Words of Worth

Only Do What???

February 27, 2014

UnknownLast week, we looked at the power of one word.  With the word “Daughter”, Jesus restored status and hope to one who had been cast aside and was hopeless. Today, we will try and grasp the power and magnitude of two words.  These two words are simple and yet, we find what they command us to do almost impossible.

When we left the scene in Luke 8, the woman who grasped the robe of Jesus had been immediately healed.   But the story started with a man – Jarius, who was an important synagogue official.  It is after all, his story but he has been cast aside as the drama of the unclean woman has unfolded before him.  During the time it took for the crowd to clear and the woman to confess, Jarius received the news his own daughter, the one for whom he begged assistance from Jesus, has died.  He would return home, it seemed to death and sorrow.  But Jesus hears and speaks to Jarius two of the hardest words to reconcile with each other.

 “Only believe and she will be made well.”

Only believe??  Only?  He makes it sound so simple.  The message bearers brought the news of death; all Jarius had to do was believe it wouldn’t be true?  Interestingly, Jesus uses the same word for Jarius as he did the women.  Her faith (pistis) made her well and to Jarius, he says, “Only believe (pistis) and she (Jarius’ daughter) will be made well.”  Could he have been using the just healed, newly cleansed woman as an example of great faith?  I think so.  On the rest of the journey home was Jarius struggling with the concept of “only believe”?  I definitely think so.

Sometimes I read a verse in the Bible and think, “Can it be this simple?”  For example this week, I read

Psalm 52:8  “I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”

My part is to trust.  His part is unfailing love.  If something never (NEVER EVER) fails, why wouldn’t I trust it?  Why wouldn’t I choose to believe?”

The stories from Luke 8 have a happy ending.  Mourning turns to rejoicing, tears flow first for the dead and then for the living.  Jarius sees the return of his daughter and everyone is amazed. Great faith is demonstrated and leaves for an example that has endured for thousands of years.  What can we learn?  A few points to ponder:

What is my posture before Jesus?  Is it one of humility like Jarius or do I think I deserve special treatment?

Am I willing to “push through the crowds” to get to my Savior?  Do I push through the crowd of thoughts, busyness, time stealers, circumstances, and obstructions to cling to the edge of his robe?

If, like Jarius, I have an interruption in my appointment with God, do I handle the delay with grace and dignity or with impatience and a prideful spirit?

Do I struggle with belief?  How could I strengthen my faith in what God can and desires to do for me on a daily basis?

Am I seeking healing for anything right now?  If so, where have I placed my hope?
